Acupuncture Clinic Covid Safety Procedures

Acupuncture clinic covid safety procedures at both the Greenwich and Camberwell clinics will remain unchanged from 19 July 2021. This applies to both the Greenwich clinic and the Camberwell low-cost clinic.

This decision to continue the acupuncture clinic covid safety procedures has been made to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all patients, some of who have varying degrees of vulnerability. Regardless of the policies of the Johnson government, the continuation of all safety measures is also regarded by Mark as an ethical and professional imperative for a healthcare professional at a time when covid infections are high and continuing to rise.

acupuncture clinic covid safety procedures continuing after 19 July
Acupuncture clinic covid safety procedures include the use of surgical masks in the treatment room and regular sanitising

Therefore patients are still required to wear surgical masks to attend their appointments and to confirm that they have no covid-19 symptoms or have not been told to self-isolate or come into recent contact with anybody with coronavirus symptoms. For his part, Mark will continue to wear a surgical mask and face-shield and disposable aprons. It’s not particularly comfortable for him underneath all that PPE when the weather gets very hot! However, he is happy to suffer a little bit for the greater good and to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all his clients. Mark will also continue to do regular lateral flow tests.

The continuation of the acupuncture clinic covid safety procedures also covers massage clients attending the Greenwich Natural Health Centre.

This decision by London Acupuncture Therapy is in line with the stated intentions of key NHS healthcare providers at this time. More about this can be found in this article from the Guardian newspaper.

You can always keep up to date with all current changes across the London Acupuncture Therapy clinics by following the News & Info page. Any major changes in health and safety policy will always be announced here.

Should you have any questions about this policy, please do contact Mark by email or telephone. He will be happy to try to recommend other practitioners in acupuncture or massage therapy for those who are considered unable to wear a surgical mask.

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